Affectionate Relation

“Affectionate Relation”

So much affection and devotion is found in a relation of human and horse. A horsewoman and her horse is a depiction of an caring and loving relationship between woman and her horse. I have never had a horse, but I have so much affection and admiration for this animal starting from my early childhood.

Clay sculpture, 31 cm high.

Available in my shop.

Between Earth and Heaven

“Between Earth and Heaven”

Clay sculpture, 40 cm high

This is an absolutely unique one of a kind hand mounted sculpture from my series “Allegorical Meditation on the Human Touch”. This series represents a meaningful story told in the form of symbolic figures and interactions between them, filled with intellectual messages delivered in aesthetical form.

What is our world like and what is human path about? Man stuck between Earth and Heaven, between Paradise and Hell, between life and death, between past and future, if we accept that time exists. Life could be a transitional stage in our development, a way to grow, to learn. What is the destiny of the human? Where should we go and what is the goal of life? Intermediate stage in our development is depicted in this sculpture. Intermediate for the existence on Earth and intermediate between every moment of our past and our present. Every moment something is changing in our life, every decision leads to a different future, every thought is a choice and every choice is our step forward in our life. What are your thoughts and what are your steps about?

Available in my shop.

“Through awakening” abstract oil on canvas


“Through awakening”
Awakening and seeing the day in front of you and awakening and seeing new possibilities, new ways and new energies coming into your world.
Original abstract painting oil on canvas.
80 x 120 cm
Available in my shop.

Where am I riding my Horse?


“Where am I riding my horse?”
Do you ask yourself where are you going? Are you following your inspiration?
Original oil on canvas, oil pastels, 100 x 120 cm

Will you be my Goddess?


“Will you be my Goddess?”

Original oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm, oil, pastels, pencils

Will you be my love? my inspiration? my sun?


Meeting with the reality

“Meeting with the reality. What is outside?”

Are you ready to open the door and make a step?

Which new reality and discovery is waiting for you?

Clay sculpture, approximately 42 cm high.



Fragile Soul in Human Body.

Do we listen to our soul’s wishes?

Clay sculpture.

Available in my shop.

Clay sculpture in the nature

Do you like how the sculpture looks like in the nature?

I think nature is a wonderful scenery for the ceramic sculpture.

The Innermost. The most pure feeling.

“The Innermost”

The most sincere delicate pure feeling which we could hide in the most well protected place of our mind. The couple is literally hiding inside the head or mind. It is an allegory used in the figurative sculpture.
Clay sculpture. 28 cm high.
Available in my shop.